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Human Rights Management Guidelines

Our company observes and supports international human rights standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which are guidelines that are widely adopted by countries around the world.

All human beings have the right to be treated with dignity. This includes the right to life and physical safety, freedom of ideas/expression/religion, freedom of association, work and home life balance, guarantee of privacy, food and water security, freedom from torture/slavery or forced labor, right to fair and decent working conditions, and discrimination prohibition.

Basic Policy on Human Rights Management

To meet the stakeholder expectations by fulfilling its human rights responsibilities, Our company observes the following recommendations regarding human rights management.

  • Comply with local laws defined in all locations where our company does business and observe internationally recognized global human rights standards.
  • Seek ways to comply with internationally recognized human rights standards when local regulations conflict with such standards.
  • Treat human rights violation issues as critical business issues.
Manage Risk to Cultivate a Corporate Culture of Human Rights

Our company respects the human rights of everyone at our company. In addition, to prevent and to mitigate potential risks, we comply with international standards and make available human rights management guidelines outlined in our Internal Regulations, and through a system of risk management. Finally, the outcome of these efforts are disclosed.

  • - Prevent elements of the Company's business activities that could cause adverse human rights impact; should a violation occur, implement adequate measures.
  • - Even when the Company is not directly responsible for the impact, the Company must exert effort to prevent and to mitigate adverse human rights impact that could result from the business activities of its partners.
Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
Our company's human rights policy has been written to be applied to our company employees. When conducting business with partners, such as suppliers and contractors, our company consistently complies with its human rights management policy, founded on the Corporate Citizenship Charter. Furthermore, our company encourages its business partners to observe international human rights standards and our company's human rights management policy. When necessary, our company extends assistance to partners to be compliant.
Basic Principles
  • 1. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment
    • - Our company does not discriminate based on race, nationality, sex, age, academic achievement, religion, regional ascription, disability, marital status or gender identity in extending employment terms and conditions, such as hiring, promotion, compensation and benefits.
    • - To ensure that employees can enjoy life with human dignity, our company guarantees suitable employment conditions, such as decent work hours, and offers adequate compensation and training opportunities. This decent work environment is sustained by building a culture that respects diversity.
    • - Our company denounces behaviors, including sexual harassment, that violate humans rights and refrains from any act, linguistic, physical or visual, that may offend others.
  • 2. Prohibition of Forced and Child Labor
    • - Our company must ensure that work is not performed involuntarily, which means through psychological or physical coercion.
    • - For employment conditions of minors and minimum age requirement, our company observes local labor laws and international labor standards.
  • 3. Freedom of Association and Guarantee of Right for Collective Bargaining
    • - Our company observes the Constitution, which forms the basis of its human rights management policy, and the labor relations law. It is committed to upholding and protecting the rights to which the employees are entitled.
  • 4. Guarantee of Occupational Safety
    • - Our company builds a culture that respects workplace safety that allows its employees to work in a safe environment. When safety risk is identified, our company takes adequate measures to address it.
  • 5. Environmental Right
    • - Our company acknowledges that environment and energy serve as core elements of its business activities. To fulfill its corporate citizenship goal to build a better future together, our company strives to establish a sustainable, low-carbon eco-friendly economy.
    • - By making efficient use of natural resources and reuse of its manufacturing by-products, our company makes efforts to restore the natural habitat and to preserve biodiversity.
  • 6. Protecting Local Residents' Human Rights
    • - Our company manages its business activities to ensure that the local residents' human rights, such as environment, safety and health and freedom of residence are not violated. Moreover, our company collects opinions in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, as a means to respect the freedom and traditional values of the local society.
  • 7. Customers' Human Rights
    • - To preserve the life, health and safety of its customers, when offering its products and services, our company exercises due caution based on statutory standards.
  • 8. Responsible Supply Chain Management
    • - Our company demands all of its partners, suppliers and contractors to comply with human rights protection mandates.

Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Process

Our company identifies any adverse human rights violations to prevent and to mitigate their impact. When deemed necessary in order to fulfill its responsibility, Our company may perform human rights due diligence (HRDD). The due diligence procedure includes identification and evaluation of actual and potential human rights impact, response to the identified issues, documentation of the response activity, and communication to stakeholders about how the impact was addressed.
Human rights due diligence considers:

  • Include negative impacts related to human rights that may be directly or indirectly caused in the course of the company's management activities.
  • We consider various related matters according to the location and size of the business site, human rights-related risks, the characteristics and contents of the business, and the political and economic conditions and characteristics of the host country.
  • As the company's activities and business operation environment change, the risk to human rights gradually changes, and it is continuously implemented.

Implementation method

Our company conducts efforts to identify and check the real and potential negative effects on human rights due to domestic and foreign management activities according to the following procedures.

  • - If human rights-related risks are detected in major domestic and foreign workplaces, the status quo analysis and improvement plan are derived through human rights due diligence.
  • - In principle, due diligence shall be conducted by internal experts, and if necessary, it may be conducted together with the support of external experts.
  • - Conduct practical interviews with potentially affected groups and stakeholders.
  • - The potential and practical impact of the human rights inspection should be identified. The potential impact should be taken to share the evaluation results at the enterprise level and to prevent and mitigate them by performing relevant procedures, and the actual impact that has already occurred should be subject to redemption and resolution.
  • - Human rights due diligence is conducted using a checklist that diagnoses key elements related to human rights management.

Response and follow-up

We establish a response system based on the facts found from human rights due diligence to prevent and mitigate the negative effects that may affect human rights and take follow-up measures.

  • 1) Establishment of an internal response system
    • - Clarify roles and responsibilities with relevant departments to address issues found
    • - Apply internal decision-making, budget allocation, and surveillance procedures to effectively respond to these impacts.
    • - We accurately understand the problems derived through due diligence on human rights and manage them as important issues.
  • 2) Follow-up and Remediation
    • - Take necessary measures to prevent and mitigate human rights issues when they have caused or are likely to have a negative impact on human rights.
    • - Even if the best policies and procedures are in place, if they cause unexpected negative effects, work alone or in cooperation with other entities to improve the negative effects.
    • - Even if our company did not directly violate human rights, if the negative human rights-related effects are related to the operation, production, and service of the company in relation to other entities (e.g., partner companies), it is not directly responsible, but plays a prescribed role to improve.
    • - Where the company has influence to prevent and mitigate human rights violations, it shall be utilized, and if not, it may strengthen its influence in cooperation with the relevant entity.
    • - As an effective remedy, we operate a grievance system for stakeholders.

stakeholder communication

If stakeholders raise concerns about human rights impacts, the company will provide a responsible explanation.

  • - Communicate responsibly and transparently to stakeholders, including individuals and investors, and consider various forms of communication, such as face-to-face meetings, publication of official reports (such as audit reports), and online channel utilization (such as the company's official website).
  • - When issuing an official report, it includes substantial and potential negative effects, and independent verification procedures are considered to increase the credibility of the report.
  • - Provide information to help stakeholders assess whether the company is responding appropriately to specific human rights impacts.

Internalization and institutional improvement

It induces practical improvement in human rights management through internalization of organizational culture and institutional improvement activities of human rights due diligence results.

  • - We carry out activities to internalize human rights management into organizational culture, such as education on the necessity of human rights management for all executives and employees, education on norms related to human rights management, and sharing success and failure cases.
  • - We continue to improve the human rights management system by consulting experts, communicating with stakeholders, and discovering improvements through the implementation of the system.

Human Rights Grievance Handling Process

As an effective remedy, our company has a grievance handling program for stakeholders. To ensure that an issue that is identified is promptly discussed and remedied, our company is making efforts to generate quick and reasonable solutions by taking advantage of existing programs, such as the ethical grievance counseling center (Helpline) and the non-ethics-related grievance counseling center (Hotline), which were designed to assist individuals and local communities exposed to adverse impact. The Grievance Handling Program performs the following important functions in association with the Company's responsibility to observe human rights.

  • Facilitates understanding about adverse human rights impact, providing a conduit through which those directly impacted can raise their voice.
  • By collecting grievances and offering remedies to victims in the early stages, the proliferation of the human rights impact can be contained.
  • By analyzing the registered grievances, weaknesses of the human rights policy and procedures can be identified and they can be improved.

Report grievances to:

E-mail : bk1004@e-bukyung.co.kr