Our company observes and supports international human rights standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which are guidelines that are widely adopted by countries around the world.
All human beings have the right to be treated with dignity. This includes the right to life and physical safety, freedom of ideas/expression/religion, freedom of association, work and home life balance, guarantee of privacy, food and water security, freedom from torture/slavery or forced labor, right to fair and decent working conditions, and discrimination prohibition.
To meet the stakeholder expectations by fulfilling its human rights responsibilities, Our company observes the following recommendations regarding human rights management.
Our company respects the human rights of everyone at our company. In addition, to prevent and to mitigate potential risks, we comply with international standards and make available human rights management guidelines outlined in our Internal Regulations, and through a system of risk management. Finally, the outcome of these efforts are disclosed.
Our company identifies any adverse human rights violations to prevent and to mitigate their impact. When deemed necessary in order to fulfill its responsibility, Our company may perform human rights due diligence (HRDD). The due diligence procedure includes identification and evaluation of actual and potential human rights impact, response to the identified issues, documentation of the response activity, and communication to stakeholders about how the impact was addressed.
Human rights due diligence considers:
Our company conducts efforts to identify and check the real and potential negative effects on human rights due to domestic and foreign management activities according to the following procedures.
We establish a response system based on the facts found from human rights due diligence to prevent and mitigate the negative effects that may affect human rights and take follow-up measures.
If stakeholders raise concerns about human rights impacts, the company will provide a responsible explanation.
It induces practical improvement in human rights management through internalization of organizational culture and institutional improvement activities of human rights due diligence results.
As an effective remedy, our company has a grievance handling program for stakeholders. To ensure that an issue that is identified is promptly discussed and remedied, our company is making efforts to generate quick and reasonable solutions by taking advantage of existing programs, such as the ethical grievance counseling center (Helpline) and the non-ethics-related grievance counseling center (Hotline), which were designed to assist individuals and local communities exposed to adverse impact. The Grievance Handling Program performs the following important functions in association with the Company's responsibility to observe human rights.
E-mail : bk1004@e-bukyung.co.kr