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Environmental Management Policy and Environmental Objectives

"Consider humans and the environment first and carry out eco-friendly construction work”

Recognizing that environmental management is an important axis for sustainable development, our company announced the environmental policy in 2022 for the implementation of eco-friendly management, We are continuously trying to improve the level of environmental management by introducing an environmental management system (EMS).

Environmental management policy

In order to create an eco-friendly corporate culture based on ISO 14001 and to ensure that all environmental impacts from construction activities are within the scope of the relevant laws and regulations as the environmental management system is advanced.

Pollution prevention and environmental protection
It takes the lead in environmental protection by minimizing environmental load in consideration of environmental impacts from production to transportation, delivery, and disposal of products and reducing emissions of substances that affect the environment.
Meet environmental compliance obligations
Strictly comply with environmental laws and regulations directly applied in the production and transportation process, and with the requirements of stakeholders such as customers and other requirements.
Continuous improvement of the environmental management system
Environmental improvement activities are continuously carried out by grasping the environmental impact of the entire process evaluation, such as purchasing raw materials, production, transportation, use, and disposal.
The foundation of environmental goals
The environmental policy shall be disseminated to all executives and employees to establish and implement environmental goals to achieve them.
Open environmental management
Promote active participation by disclosing environmental management policies and environmental management information to stakeholders and practice transparent environmental management.

Environmental Management Objectives

Our company aims to achieve environmental management policies, minimize serious environmental impacts that occur during all activities and construction of the company, and continuously improve environmental performance.

  • Efficient management
    of energy and resources

    Reducing resource consumption
    such as electricity and paper through
    efficient use of resources

  • Minimizing pollutant

    Abolition and reduction of
    general waste emissions by
    minimizing pollutants

  • Strengthening environmental
    management and education

    Continuous improvement of the
    environmental management system
    through implementation of
    environmental management and
    education and training of full-time employees

  • Introduction of
    eco-friendly facilities

    Minimization of
    greenhouse gas emissions
    (LEDs, eco-facilities, etc.)

Environmental Management System and Promotion Organization

Environmental Management System

Our company operates according to PDCA CYCLE to realize environmental management and continuously improve the system. PDCA CYCLE has a structure in which four stages are circulated: PLAN, DO, CHECK, and ACTION. Among our company's PDCA CYCLE.

  • First, PLANs are internal and external environmental issues and needs analysis, risk analysis through issue evaluation, and annual goals and implementation plans.
  • The second DO is training, environmental operation management, communication, documentation management, emergency preparedness and response.
  • Third, CHECK is environmental monitoring and measurement, evaluation of environmental compliance obligations, internal environmental review, and management review implementation
  • The last ACTION is the implementation of corrective actions based on nonconformity confirmation.

Based on our leadership, our company is working on the continuous operation of the environmental management system and the publication of environmental policies.

Environmental Management System Promotion Organization

Our company established an environmental management promotion committee under CEO to efficiently operate the environmental management system.
The Environmental Management Promotion Committee consists of one chairperson and three working-level staff, and is in charge of actual environmental management.

  • Environmental Management Promotion Committee (Management Support Office)
  • CEO (Responsible for the final responsibility, authority, and obligation to continuously improve the environmental management system of our company)
  • Environmental Management Promotion Committee (The head of the management support office of our company shall be the chairperson, and the working-level organization that operates the environmental management system in compliance with the PDCACYCLE from planning to implementation)